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Etiquette and Thank You Notes

Know your etiquette and thank you notes do's and don'ts!

Golden Rules for Modern Thank You Notes

4 Do's For Thank You Notes

  1. Be sure to send your thank you notes out promptly. The day after you receive a gift or hospitality is best. Whatever your situation, your notes should certainly be sent out within a week.

  2. Use formal stationery for wedding thank you notes ... or just choose attractive paper or note cards.

  3. Always take the time to say something about the gift or event that you are sending the note about.

    You could say something like "Thank you for the pretty basket of homemade cookies. How clever of you to find out that white chocolate and raspberry cookies are my favourites!"

  4. Do handwrite your thank you notes ... it makes a massive difference and shows that your message is genuine.

4 Don'ts For Thank You Notes

  1. Don't devalue your thank you note by sending it out late!

  2. Don't forget to personalise your thank you notes ... your recipient won't feel valued if your note is clearly a 'copy and paste' effort

  3. Don't be mean ... always use nice stationery! It's quite acceptable to select something informal but not to use lined paper torn from your jotter!

    It's so easy today to buy a supply of inexpensive thank you cards ... so there's no excuse for laziness.

  4. Don't lie if you don't like a gift ... but do write to show appreciation for the thought that went into choosing it. You could try using something like "I was touched to receive your (name of gift). It was thoughtful of you to think of me."

Always remember that sending out well-written , personalised notes of appreciation will mark you out as someone with good manners ... and that people WILL remember if you don't send them!

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