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Thank You For Subscribing!

In a few minutes, you will receive an e-mail welcoming you to Thank You Sentiments.

It will also ask you to confirm your "subscription".

This is to make sure that no one else entered your e-mail address without you knowing about it.

As soon as your e-mail address is confirmed you will be directed to the order page for your free personalised thank you note ... for an occasion of your choice.

What to do if you don't receive the E-mail

If you don't receive this e-mail (the subject is "Please Confirm Your Thank You Sentiments Subscription"), check your trash or junk folder, or your ISP's webmail filtering function. Your mail provider may have incorrectly filtered the message. Indicate that it is not trash, or otherwise whitelist all mail coming from www.thank-you-note-examples.com, so that you can receive the e-mails.

If you don't find the e-mail anywhere, it means there was a typo in the address entered. About 5% of people make an error when entering an e-mail address. Now, I'm sure you wouldn't make such a mistake, but here's what to do if you don't receive an email at all.

If you run into problems

First - please try again! Here's the page you need to do so.

Other Problems? Please contact me here.

Important!! Please always use the "contact me" page to get in touch. It's the best way to make sure I will receive your message. (A link to the contact page is in the footer of every page on this website.)


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